Customization: BaseSearchStyle

The BaseSearchStyle structure describes the screen options for the Knowledge Base article list

Parameter Description BaseSearchStyle:

The following parameters describe the cell of the table of the list of found statuses

  • titleFont: UIFont - font of the founded article text title
  • titleColor: UIColor - color of the founded article text title
  • titleMargin: UIEdgeInsets - outer indents of the founded article text title

  • textFont: UIFont - font of the founded article excerpt text
  • textColor: UIColor - text color of the founded article excerpt text
  • textMargin: UIEdgeInsets - external indents of the founded article excerpt text. The indents from the left, right, bottom are taken into account

  • pathFont: UIFont - font of the found article path text
  • pathColor: UIColor - text color of the found article path text
  • pathMargin: UIEdgeInsets - external indents of the founded article path text. The indents from the left, right, bottom are taken into account

  • separatorColor: UIColor - divider color
  • separatorLeftMargin: CGFloat - left indent of the divider
  • separatorHeight: CGFloat - divider height