Customization: FileStyle

The FileStyle structure describes the parameters of messages with files

Description of FileStyle parameters:

  • iconMargin: UIEdgeInsets - file icon indents relative to message edges and file name
  • imageIcon: UIImage - file icon image
  • iconSize: CGSize - file icon image size

  • fontName: UIFont - file name text font
  • nameMargin: UIEdgeInsets - external indents of the file name text. Indents from the top edge of the message background and the right edge
  • nameColor: UIColor - the color of the file name text

  • fontSize: UIFont - file size text font
  • sizeMargin: UIEdgeInsets - file size text margins. The top indent up to the file name and to the right edge of the message background are taken into account
  • sizeColor: UIColor - file size text color