Customization: FeedbackMessageStyle

The FeedbackMessageStyle structure describes the parameters of messages with a choice of rating

Description of the FeedbackMessageStyle parameters:
  • buttonSize: CGSize - rating button size;
  • buttonsMargin: UIEdgeInsets - the outer indent of the evaluation button relative to the top of the message, the left and right edges;
  • likeOnImage: UIImage - the image of the positive rating button after clicking;
  • likeOffImage: UIImage - the image of the positive rating button before being assigned;
  • dislikeOnImage: UIImage - negative rating button image after clicking;
  • dislikeOffImage: UIImage - the image of the negative rating button before clicking;
  • textColor: UIColor - message text color;
  • font: UIFont - the font of the message text;
  • textMargin: UIEdgeInsets - outer indent of the message text relative to the buttons at the top and edges of the message background;
  • textFinished: String - text of the message after sending the rating ("Thank you!" text on the picture).