Knowledge base methods

VariableKnowledge Base methods

Getting knowledge base sections:

Returns an array of sections - [BaseCollection]


usedesk.getCollections(connectionStatus: {success, collections, error 
Getting the article:

Returns the article class - Article

Variable Type Description
articleID Int article id


usedesk?.getArticle(articleID: id, connectionStatus: { success, article, error
Getting article search results:

Returns the class of the search result - SearchArticle

Variable Type Description
collection_ids [Int] Id of sections separated by commas
category_ids [Int] Category id separated by commas
article_ids [Int] Id of articles separated by commas
count Int Number of articles per page (maximum: 100, default: 20)
page Int Page (default 1)
query String Search query string that searches by the title and text of the article
type TypeArticle(.all .open .close) All articles are displayed. If the article is public, but is in a private category, then when requested with type = open it will not be displayed, because it will be considered private due to the parent category
sort SortArticle (.id .title .category_id .public .created_at) Parameter by which articles are sorted
order OrderArticle (.asc .desc) The sort order by the sort parameter. default: asc. Options: asc - ascending, desc - descending.


usedesk.getSearchArticles(collection_ids: [collection_ids], category_ids: [category_ids], article_ids: [], query: "searchText", type: .all, sort: .title, order: .asc) { (success, searchArticle, error) 
Adding an article view indicator:
Variable Type Description
articleID Int article id
count Int number of views


usedesk.addViewsArticle(articleID: id, count: 1, connectionStatus: { success, error in