Customization: FeedbackFormStyle

The FeedbackFormStyle structure describes the parameters of the feedback form screen

Description of the FeedbackFormStyle parameters:
  • buttonColor: UIColor - the background color of the active sending button

  • buttonColorDisabled: UIColor - background color of the inactive sending button
  • buttonTextColor: UIColor - sending button text color
  • buttonFont: UIFont - sending button text font
  • buttonCornerRadius: CGFloat - sending button rounding radius

These parameters are also taken into account for the button to close the form window after a successful submission.

  • textColor: UIColor - description text color
  • textFont: UIFont - description text font

The following parameters describe the table cell of the contact form

  • headerFont: UIFont - title text font
  • headerColor: UIColor - title text color
  • headerSelectedColor - color of the selected field header

  • valueFont: UIFont - the text font value
  • valueColor: UIColor - the text color value

  • arrowImage: UIImage - next button icon
  • arrowImageSize: CGSize - size of the next button

  • lineSeparatorColor: UIColor - divider color
  • lineSeparatorActiveColor: UIColor - divider under the selected cell color
  • errorColor: UIColor - cell header color in error mode
  • sendedImage: UIImage - an image of a successful submission in a pop-up window