Customization: MessageStyle
General parameters of messages of all types are described in the MessageStyle structure
Description of MessgeStyle parameters:
- textOutgoingColor: UIColor - outgoing message text color
- textIncomingColor: UIColor - incoming message text color
- font: UIFont - the font of the message text
- textMargin: UIEdgeInsets - outer padding of the message text
- timeOutgoingColor: UIColor - outgoing message sending time text color
- timeIncomingColor: UIColor - the color of the sending time text of the incoming message
- timeFont: UIFont - font of the message sending time
- timeMargin: UIEdgeInsets - message sending time external indents of the relative to the message edge. The indent from the bottom and to the right is taken into account.
- timeMarginRightForStatus: CGFloat - indent to the right to the submission status image
- timeOutgoingPictureColor: UIColor - text color of sending time of outgoing photo/video message
- timeIncomingPictureColor: UIColor - the color of the photo/video sending time (incoming message)
In photo / video messages, a background UIView (timeBackView) appears at the sending time so that the time text can be seen on the background of the image.
- timeBackViewOutgoingColor: UIColor - the background color of the photo/video sending time (outgoing message)
- timeBackViewIncomingColor: UIColor - the background color of the photo/video sending time (incoming message)
- timeBackViewOpacity: CGFloat - transparency of the background color of the photo/video sending time
- timeBackViewCornerRadius: CGFloat - rounding radius of the background color of the photo/video sending time
- timeBackViewPadding: UIEdgeInsets - internal indents of the background of the sending time of the photo/video relative to the sending time text
- sendStatusImage: UIImage - "sent" status image
- sendedStatusImage: UIImage - "delivered" status image
- sendStatusImageForImageMessage: UIImage - "sent" status image for messages with an image
- sendedStatusImageForImageMessage: UIImage - "delivered" status image for messages with an image
- sendedStatusSize: CGSize - status image size
- sendedStatusMargin: UIEdgeInsets - outer indents of the status image. The indents to the right and bottom are taken into account
- notSentImage: UIImage - not delivered status image
- notSentImageSize: CGSize - size image of "not delivered" status
- notSentImageMarginToBubble: CGFloat - indent to the right before the message
- senderTextColor: UIColor - text color of the author's name
- senderTextFont: UIFont - the font of the text of the author's name
- senderTextMarginBottom: CGFloat - the bottom indent of the text of the author's name relative to the top edge of the message